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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

#02: Run Alexis is Bored

 I mentioned it earlier, this is my second favorite as I finally brought my story version of myself into caps. I love being this baddie who turns people into women (bimbos in these). Both caps were done for people at the haven and i have all the intention of returning to this theme in the new year to.

                                                        This was for AnneOniMouse
This was for Comentator (Dawn) 

#03: Just one more pill

 Ah this is so my favorite for more than one reason. One the story fit real well with the picture but 2? I wrote it for one of my all-time favorite captioners: sp2000. i went to his blog way before I e
ven enter the haven or started my own. So it was a honor to do one for sp.

#04: When You wish upon a Christmas Star

 I chose this one as I felt it was important. I delved into the depression of the holidays and made a happy ending. Want to know the real story? Alex was supposed to go to the bridge to kill himself and have a angel change him kinda like its a wonderful life with a tg twist but felt that it was inappropriate and went with what you see here. Thats also when I changed the character to Alex. so I could add the merry christmas from alexis.

#05: Shooting star

 These were so much harder, the top 5 and these may not be in order but they are my all time favorite caps i did in 2013!
 This was  chosen as I love the picture and the cap worked out so well, the only problem? The cap got messed up :( Why didn't anyone tell me when it was posted originally? I will fix it and repost it on my main blog in 2014. Due to this, I have chosen another cap I did for Dawn (comentator) and I love this because of her look on her face like it really happened :)

#06: Watch Your Big Mouth

 This cap was done for Felicia over at the Haven and was chosen for #6 of this countdown by me due to the complexness of trying to get two different transformations (and preferences) in one cap and MAKE it WORK. Which I feel I did.

#07: Solstice Fairy

 Honestly if I had not had a bad day around the solstice I probably would have done more caps set during the day!There's no real behind the scenes just I wanted to do a solstice cap and honestly? I think it came out great!

#08: Experiment

 This is interesting in my opinion: I wrote the original one for Jeannie over at the haven, but many months later I was like I have this idea can it connect? And boom like horrorverse, a second cap was made. Its actually due to the second cap and not the first that they are here as i really really loved what I did with that cap.

#09: The Day of Rebirth

 This is here because i wanted it in the top 10 because what it represented but it wasn't my greatest so couldn't go higher. I did this cap for what i call my rebirthday which is in fact the day i began living full time as a woman named Alexis. With the exception of magic, it is based on that.

#10: Fairy Taleville

 Hmmm, this is in the top 10? I have this here because I really loved writing in this universe. It also added something to the pinkalot world as well. This was also the first cap I did that was a spin-off of a spin-off as its the spin-off of pinkalot which in turn is a spin-off of 3 wishes!
 For those interested, I will be returning to this universe in 2014!

#11: Genie Caps

I chose these for #11 because I love genie's. I know why not have them as 3 wishes? Honestly I wanted some genie caps unassociated with 3 wishes back then, these days? I'll do any genie cap in 3 wishes lol. Anyway here is one with me in roman times and another with Shauna Marie stuck in the Renaissance!

#12: 3 wishes

 The cap that started it all- for pinkalot that is as pinkalot is a spin-off of this. Here is some background info on 3 wishes the name. Long ago i wanted to do comics (still do) and one title I wanted to publish was an anthology based on genie mythology called you guessed it "3 Wishes". So my plan was to do that idea in caps, heck i even added a prequel to add background. It was my plan to do a series in caps, but then pinkalot formed in my head and honsetly? I felt it was much more unique but it doesn't change the fact that I love this particular cap more :)

And The Prequel to since I mentioned it.

#13: Horrorverse

 Ok so this is actually two caps. Honestly, I love this universe so much it should be higher but I couldn't resist making it #13 :)

 So on the 13 of December i wanted a friday the 13th cap and came up with the first one. Later, I found more pics. I found Chucky and Michael Myers. I decided i had to do a horrorverse. Luckily, the old woman in the friday the 13th cap fit in to it and yes i am working on more in this universe though it seems irt might end after 5 caps. Good thing only 2 have been posted :)

                                                                Truthfully, this is my favorite:

And the horrorverse logo

#14: Marvel changes Nichole Fury

 This is easy. I wanted to do a Marvel TG series and wanted to start with a non superhero hence Nick Fury. I also felt it was great as I did insert heroes that would e tg. Or that was the plan. This, like many others, sadly had its idea abandoned and I doubt i will return to it soon. Never the less I love the picture of a black widow costume and the cap itself and thats why its here on the countdown.

#15: Pinkalot Dawn

To see why this was chosen see the last post. this was done for Comentator (Dawn) at the haven.

#16: The Musketeer

  This one I do remember fondly. When i first wrote it, I was just doing another cap in my 3 wishes universe. i had no idea that I'd be abandoning that universe because I had a better one. As i wrote it and went to pinkalot, I realized their might be potential. So when later i needed a plot for a cap i was doing for Dawn, I chose pinkalot and thats when it became a universe that i do stuff in to this day. So here is the musketeer and in one hour Pinkalot:Dawn as both are equal in my heart.

#17: Tomb Raider

As with many others, this was for a member of the haven. So why is another haven cap here? i like challenges and haven does that as i do caps for those members and therefore i do their preferences. in this case, i also got to do Lara Croft. My only gripe? It was not me. i'd love to look like Lara! lol

#18: Pirates: The Sexy Captain!

So who here thought Captain Jack was inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean's Jack? If so your right! This universe is going to be continued and expanded on in the coming year.

#19: Enter:boybusters!

 This was the first of a proposed  parter (2 were done) I plan to do 2 more in the new year. I did this as I was a huge Ghostbusters fan and when I spotted this pic I was like ok lets do something. Originally it was going to be ghostbusters but i decided boybusters was more fun than a ghost zapping people thus making them girls as was the original plan.

#20: Blessing or a curse?

 I loved this picture and cap to, i loathed what I call the controversy(wasn't really one i guess)
. Though it was minor, it caused me to post a pic of Marvel Comics' the Lizard. Basically, i wriote this cap about a humanoid reptile race that existed long ago (according to the cap). The controversy was because i had the braclet that the human wears be one that they (the reptiles) wore and it was said how thats impossible and I explained i was thinking of the lizard while writing it.

#21: To be a girl or lets get girly

  This was the first cap with two names that i did. It also has Lindsay Lohan. is their any better reason for  it to be on a countdown? lol Honestly, I love it just because i love the pic. I love the expressions of Lindsay and the rest and i love "Mean girls".
 The only thought process ehind the scenes i can report is that i really was in a lets make me Lindsay phase for a few days and thats why there were so many Lindsay captions.

#22: Prom Change

 This one is so low on the list due to the typos and how the words accidentally went on the model. i love it though, it is a favorite of mine as it was my first caption for anyone at the haven! Also, i loved how it is a revenge cap and it had me as the "baddie". Before this i believe the closest i got to being in my caps as the "baddie" was the lexie saga and her name's Lexie. It was something i did a lot in my stories back when i wrote them (i wrote sru stories like SRU:Joseph) and co-wrote Love hurts and Love Still hurts with Eddie Glover. and in many of my stories, Alexis was the person to transform people. it wasn't til recently that i truly used my story version of me in caps.
 This cap was for Bren.

The worst cap of 2013

 Here is the worst cap I did in 2013 at least in my opinion and as I said on my main blog i almost didn't post it then but did as i needed content that day and i HATE to waste caps *sigh*
 Without further ado the worst cap of 2013:

#23: Mermaid Tide Part zero

This one is here due to it being the first cap in mermaid tide! I remember when I first found this pic, i never thought in a million years i would use it to begin a mermaid series! Once I had thought up the idea of Mermaid Tide, I frantically searched for a cap to use as the siren. Also, by researching, i discovered cheater was in fact NOT the first to carry the blog's name or a title! lol it was indeed this one. I even went back to the original post (thats how I discovered my mistake) to get the old version without the mermaid tide logo on it. Truthfully, this is one of my all time favorites and the reason its so low on the list? No true tg transformation!

#24: The necklace and Revenge

 Before i get to the reason its here and thought process on making it here's the info from the original post just a few days ago:  I did this for Sammie over at the haven. Note: this is not like my other caps as I did her preferences and they are not like mine, soooo it is very different!

 So if its not my type of caption why add it to the list? Truthfully it'd be #25 if i hadn't got busy today and didn't have to throw 25 out fast. This is here due to the fact that it WAS so different and i still pulled it off :D Due to this reason alone its one of my favorites now. i love having a challenge and pulling it off as Sammie liked it. The cap itself? It just came to me and like some caps do, it wrote itself as i typed. I mean she looks like she just woke up and is groggy :)

#25: Cheater

I chose "Cheater" for #25 as it was the first cap I did in 2013  (and my second cap ever)! I really love the models for this particular cap and feel picture wise its one of the best i've used. So why not have it higher on the list? Its definately not my favorite cap. I remember  that doing this ah who am i kidding unlike my other caps this one I don't remember the thought process lol. Though this is the first cap I did with a logo and title on it (the lexi saga one I went back to and added the logo and title!)That honor actually was the very first mermaid tide caption.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Best Countdown

For 24 hours from December 31 to Jan 1 you will see a countdown of my 25 favorite captions that i've done in 2013. Also, each cap in the countdown will have info on the reason its in the countdown and info on when it was made and why.
 Here is my favorite cap in the fact that it was my very first. Its here now as a preview as it is not eligible for my countdown as it was before 2013!